Tuesday 10 September 2013

That’s an interesting subject…

Each year we have a sit down and agree what research topics we would like to look at for the next year, so after much talk here are a few of the subjects we will be looking at – remember everything we do is from the shopper’s perspective…

As a research consultancy specialising in the behaviour and attitudes in the food & grocery sector it is always important that we keep our research up to date when it comes to Multi-Channel Shopping.   We undertake research each year into Online Food & Grocery, and the success of our recent Retailer Series has brought the subject to the fore again.   So we will investigate the different channels being used by shoppers, and for what purpose (mission).   Some of you may have read my blog into the Future of Retailing, in which I put forward my views on the roles of the different channels.

In this simplistic model I divided the in-store and online worlds, this report will further granulate the channel choice to include the role of Discounters (Hard/Soft/Frozen) and Convenience (Forecourt/Multi/Independent) as well as Online (Standard & Non-Standard Food Retailers).  Indeed I put forward a hypothesis about different categories fitting neatly into different channels due to their typical purchase frequency.
Products Typical Frequency Ideal Channel
 Milk & Bread  Daily  Convenience
 Health & Beauty  Monthly  Supermarket (or indeed High Street)
 Biscuits & Cereals  Bi-weekly (Light)  Discounters
 Soft Drinks & Tinned  Bi-weekly (Heavy)  Online Grocers
 Washing Powder & Toilet Roll  Quarterly (Volume)   Online Non-Grocers (Amazon)

Understanding this is vital to understand shoppers at a macro level, indeed the interest will be in the detail, which demographic do what and why!?

The next topic we were keen to investigate involves the fast growing channel of Discounters, but this report will concentrate on the Impact of Brand Perceptions.  Should brands succumb to lure of being listed in an Aldi or Lidl, and what impact would this have on its Brand Equity?  We will be investigating this issue using a number of proxy brands (if you would like to be part of this study then please let us know).   I have some personal views on this impact, but as any good researcher knows, I am putting them to one side to ensure we take a fresh look at this most interesting of issues.
It has always been a question that comes up when I speak to some retailers, and that is if shoppers know we are the cheapest for the same products why would they shop somewhere else (location aside).  So in our new report Retailer Choice – How Important is Price we will look at this single issue in trying to understand what drives a shopper to spend more for the same products, and what would be the impact of shoppers being able to know who was the cheapest before they started their shop.  I have felt for a while that shoppers would respond better to total cost comparison than individual product offers from above the line messages.  Many shoppers are not as price aware of individual products as we may think; we will be testing that too!

CSR – Do Shoppers Really Care? That was the next topic that we have discussed.  Whether it surrounds health, environment or ethics, does this translate into a greater feeling of affinity or transactional activity by shoppers.  Should Brands shout louder or indeed should they keep quiet (I do a lot of work for charity…really good for you!).  Here we will test a number of CSR initiatives to understand the impact on the brand to shoppers (again if you would like to get involved in this project then please let us know).
We have a few more research topics (beyond our annual studies), which I will talk about before the end of the year.  If you feel you can contribute to any of these studies or would like to add some questions (for your eyes only) then please send me an email (craig.bradley@evolution-insights.com)

Craig Bradley